Thread: Ref Formula
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Dave Peterson Dave Peterson is offline
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Default Ref Formula

But those single quotes never hurt--even if they aren't necessary.

And there are other reasons (besides space characters) that the names would need
to be surrounded by those single quotes--names that look numbers, names that
look like cell addresses for example.

Bernard Liengme wrote:

Note that you do not need the single quotes around the sheet name when it
contains no spaces
If your value in A1 is something like Year 2009 (ie the sheet name has a
space in it)
That is:
INDIRECT( double-quote single-quote double-quote &A1& double-quote single
quote !A1 double-quote )

best wishes
Bernard V Liengme
Microsoft Excel MVP
remove caps from email

"Neil Pearce" wrote in message
Good morning,

On my summary worksheet Cells A1:A50 are the names of the 50 other

I wish to insert Cell A1 of the repsective worksheets adjacent to the tab
names in Column B, e.g.

Cell A1 Sheet1
Cell B1 ='Sheet1'!A1

How would I change this formula to refer to column A on my Summary

Kind regards,



Dave Peterson