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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
harwookf harwookf is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 49
Default Enter time with . but display as :

I appreciate the fast response and as this is required on a daily basis, this
is the best way I think. However, I am struggling with it.

I use Excel 2007 so not sure if this makes a difference. I changed the
range initially to match where I will be entering the data, but it is not
working. E.g. if I type 135 in a cell, it shows 3240:00 instead of 1:35. The
cell is formatted as [h]:mm.

What am I doing wrong?

"Peo Sjoblom" wrote:

If you want to do this on a regular basis you would be better off using an
event macro



Peo Sjoblom

"harwookf" wrote in message
I would like to enter time into a timesheet using the decimal point
of the colon as it makes it easier and quicker to type, however I still
it to display correctly with the colon.
For example - if I enter 12.35 I would like it to display as 12:35 so it
literally just changing the . to :
Many thanks in advance.