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Jon Peltier Jon Peltier is offline
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Default Losing lines when pasting charts to Excel

If you have very many pie segments, or some are so small that it's hard to
keep track of where labels should go, perhaps the pie chart is not the best
choice. Instead, try a horizontal bar chart. The labels will line up along
the vertical axis, and the bars will extend to the right. No bars or labels
will obscure any others.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Tutorials and Custom Solutions
Peltier Technical Services, Inc. -

"mrobles" wrote in message
I have created pie charts in Excel 2007. Most of them have thin slices that
require a line that points from the label to the correct slice. When I
these charts into Powerpoint 2007, I lose the label lines. Therefore, I
labels floating in space and it's hard to tell what they're describing.
tried all the paste special options in Powerpoint and I still can't keep
label lines. Please help.