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David Biddulph[_2_] David Biddulph[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 8,651
Default How do I extract time only in Excel?

If the list separator in your Windows Regional Options is a semi-colon,
rather than a comma, then you'll need to use a semi-colon, rather than a
comma, to separate parameters in your Excel formulae.
David Biddulph

"grant" wrote in message
I typed a date in cell A1, then typed =MOD(A1,1) in cell B1. Excel returns
error stating "The formula you typed contains an error." I even used an
example from Excel Help, =MOD(3, 2) and Excel returns the same error. Am I
doing something wrong?


"T. Valko" wrote:

One way:

A1 = 6/25/2008 12:05 AM


Format as TIME

Microsoft Excel MVP

"grant" wrote in message
How do I extract time only from a date/time cell in Excel?