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Mike H Mike H is offline
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Default Need help converting Number stored as Text to Date


for your date you should select


"LuvHaleiwa" wrote:

Ok, I tried using the kb article for this, but obviously I'm still doing
something wrong.... please help if you can!

I have a number 121101 in a cell -- when I right click the cell and select
format cells it says it's formatted as a date, but the error checking says
it's a number stored as text.

I select the option in the error checking that says convert to number.
I right click the cell again and it shows the format as general...
I change it to date and the number 121101 becomes the date 7/24/2231
I want it to become 12/11/2001.

Can someone please help me. I'm obviously not very good at excel and this
is making me crazy!!

Thanks in advance!!