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Dave Peterson Dave Peterson is offline
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Default Freeze Pane Saving

Are you sure that the freeze panes is being lost?

Next time, check to see if you see windows|Freeze panes or windows|Unfreeze

If you see unfreeze, then maybe the user didn't put the freeze in the correct

If the data is filtered, then the freeze panes is applied, the user could have
put the freeze panes in the wrong location.

I put 1 to 20 in A1:A20.

Then I filtered to show the values 5. I selected A6 and hit window|freeze

Instead of making row 1 always visible, I made rows 1:5 always visible (I had to
show all the data to see that freeze panes line).

If the user does this where the first 200 rows are hidden, it can cause a
problem when data|filter|show all is used.

If that's not the cause, set your freeze panes.
Save the workbook.
Close excel

Start excel in safe mode
windows start button|Run
excel /safe

file|open yourfilename.xls

And see if things work ok. If they do this way, then you could have a "helpful"
macro that's removing that freeze panes.

Hank wrote:


Yes, I am saving as xls. All other changes to the workbook saved - except
the freeze pane.

As I asked earlier, could the fact that the row I am trying to freeze also
has auto filter have anything to do with it?
I have found out if I remove auto filter the freeze pane does save.

I really need the auto filter kept. Is there a work around?


"Dave Peterson" wrote in message
And you are saving the workbook as a normal workbook (*.xls)--not a text
(like .prn or .csv), right?

Hank wrote:

In Excel 2003 I would like to Freeze the header row on each worksheet and
have this "Freeze Pane" save when the workbook is closed.

Should the Freeze pane save? If not, is there a way to do this so the
header rows are always visible. I can indicate which rows I want to
at the top of each page with page setup. I'm trying to keep from haveing
freeze pane each time I open the workbook.



Dave Peterson


Dave Peterson