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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Dave Peterson
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Default Find text and copy and move row containing it

Oops. Make that AND instead of OR:

I'd apply Data|Filter|autofilter to that column.

Then for your example:
Then use a custom filter
contains: blue
contains: shoes

Then copy|paste those visible cells where you want them.

gjpcoach wrote:

Is it possible to ask excel to look for a specific phrase then copy the
rows that contain that phrase and then paste the rows into a new

So . . .

In column A I have:

1 blue sand shoes
2 blue canaries singing
3 blue canaries wearing shoes

In this example excel would copy and past rows 1 and 3 into a new

If that's too complicated could it find the cells containing blue and
shoes and copy the contents of those cells into a new column?

Thanks for your help

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Dave Peterson