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jb jb is offline
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Posts: 11
Default dsum with IsNumber()

On a similar note, how do you do a compound criteria? That is, in the below
example, if I wanted to get all "Bounce" and all "Return", how do I specify
the Criteria? I tried "=Bounce OR Return", "=Bounce" OR "=Return" but
neither of those worked.

Also, trying to use not equal <, how do you use AND or OR like <Bounce And
< Return?

Thanks for your help.


"Jim Cone" wrote in message

With the data in B5:C10...
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA
(Excel Add-ins / Excel Programming)

wrote in message
I need to do a dsum with a criteria of Isnumber(Check Number Column). I
not know how to put a criteria in where I can return values only for those
rows where there is a number in another column.
Paid Check #
$100 1234
$200 Bounce
$300 4567
$400 Return
$500 7777
I need a dsum to come back with $900 which are the 3 numeric looking Check
#'s. I can't figure out how to put the criteria in.
Thank you.