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  #1   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
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Posts: 41
Default Newbie attempting VBA Scripting

Hey all,

I am new on the block trying to create a macro which creates 4 new
lines with 21 columns from a set of source data. The macro will need
to count how many rows are in the source data (as each row is a
seperate entity) and store that count in a variable, X. Then it
should create 4 new rows in a new sheet and populate each cell with
various bits of information. The cells will be filled with simple
vlookups and just links to the source sheet, or just plain numbers and
text hardcoded (no links).

I know this was vague, but can anyone at least tell me how to do some
simple things like create a vlookup in a target cell, or a way to
count the number of rows in the source data, store it in a variable,
and then use that to create the appropriate number of 4-row entries in
the resulting worksheet, there being 4 new entires per 1 row from the

Im basically trying to generate journal entries based upon source
data. I am trying to teach myself VBA through internet websites, but
figured i would tap this forum for some knowledge!

Thanks alot, in advance.

  #2   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
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Posts: 9,101
Default Newbie attempting VBA Scripting

This should get you started.

Sub movedata()

Worksheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Set newsht = ActiveSheet

OldRowCount = 1
NewRowCount = 1
With Worksheets("Old sheet")
Do While .Range("A" & OldRowCount) < ""
DataA = .Range("A" & OldRowCount)
DataB = .Range("B" & OldRowCount)

With newsht
.Range("B" & (NewRowCount + 2)) = DataA
.Range("C" & (NewRowCount + 3)) = DataB

OldRowCount = OldRowCount + 4
End With
OldRowCount = OldRowCount + 1
End With

End Sub

" wrote:

Hey all,

I am new on the block trying to create a macro which creates 4 new
lines with 21 columns from a set of source data. The macro will need
to count how many rows are in the source data (as each row is a
seperate entity) and store that count in a variable, X. Then it
should create 4 new rows in a new sheet and populate each cell with
various bits of information. The cells will be filled with simple
vlookups and just links to the source sheet, or just plain numbers and
text hardcoded (no links).

I know this was vague, but can anyone at least tell me how to do some
simple things like create a vlookup in a target cell, or a way to
count the number of rows in the source data, store it in a variable,
and then use that to create the appropriate number of 4-row entries in
the resulting worksheet, there being 4 new entires per 1 row from the

Im basically trying to generate journal entries based upon source
data. I am trying to teach myself VBA through internet websites, but
figured i would tap this forum for some knowledge!

Thanks alot, in advance.


  #3   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 41
Default Newbie attempting VBA Scripting

Thanks Joel,

I am having a little trouble understanding how the code works but only
because i dont know what the line:
"Do While .Range("A" & OldRowCount) < "" " says in english. Do
the following while the value of the range A(OLDROWCOUNT) is what?

My output is always the same, whatever is last in columns A and B,
gets moved to B3 and C4 respectively.

Gotta understand the code completely before i can modify it and use

Thanks again Joel!
  #4   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
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Posts: 9,101
Default Newbie attempting VBA Scripting

< - is not equal
the line is look for an empty cell - double quotes "" with noting between

VBA address cells using the Range statement like Range("A5"). I used the
counter OldRowCount to indicate the row number.

OldRowCount = 5
Range("A" & OldRowCount)

The two statement above is equivalent to

" wrote:

Thanks Joel,

I am having a little trouble understanding how the code works but only
because i dont know what the line:
"Do While .Range("A" & OldRowCount) < "" " says in english. Do
the following while the value of the range A(OLDROWCOUNT) is what?

My output is always the same, whatever is last in columns A and B,
gets moved to B3 and C4 respectively.

Gotta understand the code completely before i can modify it and use

Thanks again Joel!

  #5   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 41
Default Newbie attempting VBA Scripting

Ah okay joel,

I am used to C++ and Java where != is not equal to. VBA newbie

I now understand how it works. Thanks for the demonstration, it is
certainly a great building block.
Ill let you know how far i get before i get dizzy.


  #6   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 9,101
Default Newbie attempting VBA Scripting

Range function wants a string. If you are using C++ it make things more
difficult than using basic. You are going to have to do the combining. You
probably want to use the function cells(row,column) instead of range. It
will make programming in C++ easier.

" wrote:

Ah okay joel,

I am used to C++ and Java where != is not equal to. VBA newbie

I now understand how it works. Thanks for the demonstration, it is
certainly a great building block.
Ill let you know how far i get before i get dizzy.


  #7   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
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Default Newbie attempting VBA Scripting

One other pointer for somebody who doesn't know VBA BASIC. the "WITH"
statement is used to combine function that have a DOT infron of them

With Worksheets("Old sheet")
DataA = .Range("A" & OldRowCount)
end with

Is really
DataA = Worksheets("Old sheet").Range("A" & OldRowCount)

This feature of BASIC doesn't translate well to C++

" wrote:

Ah okay joel,

I am used to C++ and Java where != is not equal to. VBA newbie

I now understand how it works. Thanks for the demonstration, it is
certainly a great building block.
Ill let you know how far i get before i get dizzy.


  #8   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 41
Default Newbie attempting VBA Scripting

Yea, no worries about C++ and Java, just mentioned them in terms of
not knowing the VBA equivalent of things. I am coding this macro in

Yea, i figured thats what the WITH statement did, after looking at
your code.

Thanks for the heads up though, ill put up what i come up with over
the weekend, maybe you can help me clean up my code a bit!!!
Also, quick question, if i want to insert a Vlookup into a cell, like

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions'!R[-31]C,'Dept Lookup'!

Instead of specifying a Cell location with R1C1, is there a way to
make it a variable? Because as the macro goes down the entires, it
will need to modify the source cell for the lookup as it will be
changing. I.E., the first vlookup(located in the newsheet) will be
referencing $F$2 in the source for column G of the first 4 journal
rows it generates, whereas the next 4 generated journal rows will have
a vlookup which will reference $F$3 in the source, infinitum.
Can i replace "R[-31]C" with a variable incremented by a counter

  #9   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 9,101
Default Newbie attempting VBA Scripting

Most functions in VBA gets string. So you are just creating sa string and
you can insert number by using the &.

Row1 = -31
Row2 = -5
Row3 = -23
Row4 = -4

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions'!R[" & Row1 & "]C,'Dept Lookup'!
R[" & row1 & "]C[" & Row2 & "]:R[" & Row3 & "]C[" & Row4 & "],2,FALSE)"

If your columns don't change I like using A1 addressing instead of R1C1

ActiveCell.Formula = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions'!" & Row1 ":" & Row1 &"],'Dept
C" & row1 & ":D" & Row2 & ",2,FALSE)"

" wrote:

Yea, no worries about C++ and Java, just mentioned them in terms of
not knowing the VBA equivalent of things. I am coding this macro in

Yea, i figured thats what the WITH statement did, after looking at
your code.

Thanks for the heads up though, ill put up what i come up with over
the weekend, maybe you can help me clean up my code a bit!!!
Also, quick question, if i want to insert a Vlookup into a cell, like

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions'!R[-31]C,'Dept Lookup'!

Instead of specifying a Cell location with R1C1, is there a way to
make it a variable? Because as the macro goes down the entires, it
will need to modify the source cell for the lookup as it will be
changing. I.E., the first vlookup(located in the newsheet) will be
referencing $F$2 in the source for column G of the first 4 journal
rows it generates, whereas the next 4 generated journal rows will have
a vlookup which will reference $F$3 in the source, infinitum.
Can i replace "R[-31]C" with a variable incremented by a counter


  #10   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 41
Default Newbie attempting VBA Scripting

Well heres the macro i coded, it works like a charm, but its really
really messy im sure. Any suggestions for cleaning it up/ making it
less specific to THIS EXACT Layout and file etc. Like can i have it
look for certain column names and then figure out their position,
instead of just assigning their position and having the macro assume
they are there and error if they arent. Anyway, here it is. Thanks
for your help Joel.

Sub AutoJV()

'///Create New Sheet "Prem Comm JV" and Format
Worksheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Set NewSheet = ActiveSheet
ActiveSheet.Name = "Prem Comm JV"

Range("B1").FormulaR1C1 = "Unit"
Range("C1").FormulaR1C1 = "Ledger"
Range("D1").FormulaR1C1 = "Account"
Range("E1").FormulaR1C1 = "Alt Account"
Range("F1").FormulaR1C1 = "Oper Unit"
Range("G1").FormulaR1C1 = "Dept ID"
Range("H1").FormulaR1C1 = "Currency"
Range("I1").FormulaR1C1 = "Amount"
Range("J1").FormulaR1C1 = "N/R"
Range("K1").FormulaR1C1 = "Rate Type"
Range("L1").FormulaR1C1 = "Rate"
Range("M1").FormulaR1C1 = "Base Amount"
Range("N1").FormulaR1C1 = "Stat"
Range("O1").FormulaR1C1 = "Stat Amount"
Range("P1").FormulaR1C1 = "Product"
Range("Q1").FormulaR1C1 = "Year"
Range("R1").FormulaR1C1 = "Mngt Code"
Range("S1").FormulaR1C1 = "Risk Loc"
Range("T1").FormulaR1C1 = "Function"
Range("U1").FormulaR1C1 = "Project"
Range("V1").FormulaR1C1 = "Affiliate"
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = xlThick
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Font.Bold = True
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False

'///The Fun Stuff////////////////////////////////////////////////////
OldRowCounter = 2
NewRowCounter = 2
With Worksheets("Premiums Commissions")
Do While .Range("A" & OldRowCounter) < ""

UnitCol = .Range("D" & OldRowCounter)

With NewSheet
.Range("A" & NewRowCounter) = "Agents Bal - Affiliate
.Range("A" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "AWP - Affiliate"
.Range("A" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "Asmd Cont Comm Res-
.Range("A" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "Asmd Comm-Affiliate"

.Range("B" & NewRowCounter) = UnitCol
.Range("B" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = UnitCol
.Range("B" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = UnitCol
.Range("B" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = UnitCol

.Range("C" & NewRowCounter) = "CORE"
.Range("C" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "CORE"
.Range("C" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "CORE"
.Range("C" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "CORE"

.Range("D" & NewRowCounter) = "1270220076"
.Range("D" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "3010620076"
.Range("D" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "2144120076"
.Range("D" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "6010620076"

.Range("G" & NewRowCounter) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Dept Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"
.Range("G" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Dept Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"
.Range("G" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Dept Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"
.Range("G" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Dept Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("H" & NewRowCounter) = "=+'Premiums Commissions'!I"
& OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("H" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "=+'Premiums
Commissions'!G" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("H" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "=+'Premiums
Commissions'!I" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("H" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "=+'Premiums
Commissions'!G" & OldRowCounter & ""

.Range("I" & NewRowCounter) = "=+'Premiums Commissions'!J"
& OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("I" & NewRowCounter).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00_);
.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "=-'Premiums
Commissions'!H" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 1)).NumberFormat =
.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "=+'Premiums
Commissions'!N" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 2)).NumberFormat =
.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "=-'Premiums
Commissions'!L" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 3)).NumberFormat =

.Range("M" & NewRowCounter) = "=+'Premiums Commissions'!K"
& OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("M" & NewRowCounter).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00_);
.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "=-'Premiums
Commissions'!K" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 1)).NumberFormat =
.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "=+'Premiums
Commissions'!M" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 2)).NumberFormat =
.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "=-'Premiums
Commissions'!M" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 2)).NumberFormat =

.Range("P" & NewRowCounter) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Product Lookup'!
.Range("P" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Product Lookup'!
.Range("P" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Product Lookup'!
.Range("P" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Product Lookup'!

.Range("R" & NewRowCounter) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'MCC Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"
.Range("R" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'MCC Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"
.Range("R" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'MCC Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"
.Range("R" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'MCC Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("S" & NewRowCounter) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Risk Loc Lookup'!
.Range("S" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Risk Loc Lookup'!
.Range("S" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Risk Loc Lookup'!
.Range("S" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Risk Loc Lookup'!

.Range("V" & NewRowCounter) = "=+'Premiums Commissions'!B"
& OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("V" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "=+'Premiums
Commissions'!B" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("V" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "=+'Premiums
Commissions'!B" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("V" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "=+'Premiums
Commissions'!B" & OldRowCounter & ""
'=+'Premiums Commissions'!$B$2

NewRowCounter = NewRowCounter + 5
End With

OldRowCounter = OldRowCounter + 1


End With


End Sub

  #11   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
external usenet poster
Posts: 9,101
Default Newbie attempting VBA Scripting

The code looks code. Added some additional "WITH", cleaned up some - & ""
at ends of line, and added underscores which is a line continuation
character. Posted code with long lines produce errors. Try taking your
posted code and putting it back into VBA. You will see lots of problems
because of the line wrapping.

I also removed FormulaR1C1 from first lines of code. If these are named
ranges then you can simply put the following:

Range("B1") = Range("Unit")
If you want the name range in the cell then your way is right.
See my changes below.

Sub AutoJV()

'///Create New Sheet "Prem Comm JV" and Format
Worksheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Set NewSheet = ActiveSheet
ActiveSheet.Name = "Prem Comm JV"

Range("B1") = "Unit"
Range("C1") = "Ledger"
Range("D1") = "Account"
Range("E1") = "Alt Account"
Range("F1") = "Oper Unit"
Range("G1") = "Dept ID"
Range("H1") = "Currency"
Range("I1") = "Amount"
Range("J1") = "N/R"
Range("K1") = "Rate Type"
Range("L1") = "Rate"
Range("M1") = "Base Amount"
Range("N1") = "Stat"
Range("O1") = "Stat Amount"
Range("P1") = "Product"
Range("Q1") = "Year"
Range("R1") = "Mngt Code"
Range("S1") = "Risk Loc"
Range("T1") = "Function"
Range("U1") = "Project"
Range("V1") = "Affiliate"
With Range("B1")
.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone

With .Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = xlThick
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With

.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
.Font.Bold = True
End With

With Range("C1:V1")
.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
End With
Application.CutCopyMode = False

'///The Fun Stuff////////////////////////////////////////////////////
OldRowCounter = 2
NewRowCounter = 2
With Worksheets("Premiums Commissions")
Do While .Range("A" & OldRowCounter) < ""

UnitCol = .Range("D" & OldRowCounter)

With NewSheet
.Range("A" & NewRowCounter) = _
"Agents Bal - Affiliate Assumed"
.Range("A" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = _
"AWP - Affiliate"
.Range("A" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = _
"Asmd Cont Comm Res-Affil"
.Range("A" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = _
"Asmd Comm-Affiliate"

.Range("B" & NewRowCounter) = UnitCol
.Range("B" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = UnitCol
.Range("B" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = UnitCol
.Range("B" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = UnitCol

.Range("C" & NewRowCounter) = "CORE"
.Range("C" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "CORE"
.Range("C" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "CORE"
.Range("C" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "CORE"

.Range("D" & NewRowCounter) = "1270220076"
.Range("D" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "3010620076"
.Range("D" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "2144120076"
.Range("D" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "6010620076"

.Range("G" & NewRowCounter) = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions '!F" & _
OldRowCounter & ",'Dept Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("G" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions '!F" & _
OldRowCounter & ",'Dept Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("G" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions '!F" & _
OldRowCounter & ",'Dept Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("G" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions '!F" & _
OldRowCounter & ",'Dept Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("H" & NewRowCounter) = _
"=+'Premiums Commissions'!I" & OldRowCounter

.Range("H" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = _
"=+'Premiums Commissions '!G" & OldRowCounter
.Range("H" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = _
"=+'Premiums Commissions '!I" & OldRowCounter
.Range("H" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = _
"=+'Premiums Commissions '!G" & OldRowCounter

.Range("I" & NewRowCounter) = _
"=+'Premiums Commissions'!J" & OldRowCounter

.Range("I" & NewRowCounter).NumberFormat = _

.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = _
"=-'Premiums Commissions '!H" & OldRowCounter

.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 1)).NumberFormat = _

.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = _
"=+'Premiums Commissions '!N" & OldRowCounter

.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 2)).NumberFormat = _

.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = _
"=-'Premiums Commissions '!L" & OldRowCounter

.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 3)).NumberFormat = _

.Range("M" & NewRowCounter) = _
"=+'Premiums Commissions'!K" & OldRowCounter

.Range("M" & NewRowCounter).NumberFormat = _

.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = _
"=-'Premiums Commissions '!K" & OldRowCounter

.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 1)).NumberFormat = _

.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = _
"=+'Premiums Commissions '!M" & OldRowCounter

.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 2)).NumberFormat = _

.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = _
"=-'Premiums Commissions '!M" & OldRowCounter

.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 2)).NumberFormat = _

.Range("P" & NewRowCounter) = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions '!F" & _
OldRowCounter & ",'Product Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("P" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions '!F" & _
OldRowCounter & ",'Product Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("P" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions '!F" & _
OldRowCounter & ",'Product Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("P" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions '!F" & _
OldRowCounter & ",'Product Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("R" & NewRowCounter) = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions '!F" & _
OldRowCounter & ",'MCC Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("R" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions '!F" & _
OldRowCounter & ",'MCC Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("R" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions '!F" & _
OldRowCounter & ",'MCC Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("R" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions '!F" & _
OldRowCounter & ",'MCC Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("S" & NewRowCounter) = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions '!F" & _
OldRowCounter & ",'Risk Loc Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("S" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions '!F" & _
OldRowCounter & ",'Risk Loc Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("S" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions '!F" & _
OldRowCounter & ",'Risk Loc Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("S" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = _
"=VLOOKUP('Premiums Commissions '!F" & _
OldRowCounter & ",'Risk Loc Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("V" & NewRowCounter) = _
"=+'Premiums Commissions'!B" & OldRowCounter

.Range("V" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = _
"=+'Premiums Commissions '!B" & OldRowCounter

.Range("V" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = _
"=+'Premiums Commissions '!B" & OldRowCounter

.Range("V" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = _
"=+'Premiums Commissions '!B" & _
OldRowCounter & "'=+'Premiums Commissions'!$B$2"

NewRowCounter = NewRowCounter + 5
End With

OldRowCounter = OldRowCounter + 1


End With


End Su

" wrote:

Well heres the macro i coded, it works like a charm, but its really
really messy im sure. Any suggestions for cleaning it up/ making it
less specific to THIS EXACT Layout and file etc. Like can i have it
look for certain column names and then figure out their position,
instead of just assigning their position and having the macro assume
they are there and error if they arent. Anyway, here it is. Thanks
for your help Joel.

Sub AutoJV()

'///Create New Sheet "Prem Comm JV" and Format
Worksheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Set NewSheet = ActiveSheet
ActiveSheet.Name = "Prem Comm JV"

Range("B1").FormulaR1C1 = "Unit"
Range("C1").FormulaR1C1 = "Ledger"
Range("D1").FormulaR1C1 = "Account"
Range("E1").FormulaR1C1 = "Alt Account"
Range("F1").FormulaR1C1 = "Oper Unit"
Range("G1").FormulaR1C1 = "Dept ID"
Range("H1").FormulaR1C1 = "Currency"
Range("I1").FormulaR1C1 = "Amount"
Range("J1").FormulaR1C1 = "N/R"
Range("K1").FormulaR1C1 = "Rate Type"
Range("L1").FormulaR1C1 = "Rate"
Range("M1").FormulaR1C1 = "Base Amount"
Range("N1").FormulaR1C1 = "Stat"
Range("O1").FormulaR1C1 = "Stat Amount"
Range("P1").FormulaR1C1 = "Product"
Range("Q1").FormulaR1C1 = "Year"
Range("R1").FormulaR1C1 = "Mngt Code"
Range("S1").FormulaR1C1 = "Risk Loc"
Range("T1").FormulaR1C1 = "Function"
Range("U1").FormulaR1C1 = "Project"
Range("V1").FormulaR1C1 = "Affiliate"
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = xlThick
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Font.Bold = True
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False

'///The Fun Stuff////////////////////////////////////////////////////
OldRowCounter = 2
NewRowCounter = 2
With Worksheets("Premiums Commissions")
Do While .Range("A" & OldRowCounter) < ""

UnitCol = .Range("D" & OldRowCounter)

With NewSheet
.Range("A" & NewRowCounter) = "Agents Bal - Affiliate
.Range("A" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "AWP - Affiliate"
.Range("A" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "Asmd Cont Comm Res-
.Range("A" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "Asmd Comm-Affiliate"

.Range("B" & NewRowCounter) = UnitCol
.Range("B" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = UnitCol
.Range("B" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = UnitCol
.Range("B" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = UnitCol

.Range("C" & NewRowCounter) = "CORE"
.Range("C" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "CORE"
.Range("C" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "CORE"
.Range("C" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "CORE"

.Range("D" & NewRowCounter) = "1270220076"
.Range("D" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "3010620076"
.Range("D" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "2144120076"
.Range("D" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "6010620076"

.Range("G" & NewRowCounter) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Dept Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"
.Range("G" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Dept Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"
.Range("G" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Dept Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"
.Range("G" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Dept Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("H" & NewRowCounter) = "=+'Premiums Commissions'!I"
& OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("H" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "=+'Premiums
Commissions'!G" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("H" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "=+'Premiums
Commissions'!I" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("H" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "=+'Premiums
Commissions'!G" & OldRowCounter & ""

.Range("I" & NewRowCounter) = "=+'Premiums Commissions'!J"
& OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("I" & NewRowCounter).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00_);
.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "=-'Premiums
Commissions'!H" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 1)).NumberFormat =
.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "=+'Premiums
Commissions'!N" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 2)).NumberFormat =
.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "=-'Premiums
Commissions'!L" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("I" & (NewRowCounter + 3)).NumberFormat =

.Range("M" & NewRowCounter) = "=+'Premiums Commissions'!K"
& OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("M" & NewRowCounter).NumberFormat = "#,##0.00_);
.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "=-'Premiums
Commissions'!K" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 1)).NumberFormat =
.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "=+'Premiums
Commissions'!M" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 2)).NumberFormat =
.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "=-'Premiums
Commissions'!M" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("M" & (NewRowCounter + 2)).NumberFormat =

.Range("P" & NewRowCounter) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Product Lookup'!
.Range("P" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Product Lookup'!
.Range("P" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Product Lookup'!
.Range("P" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Product Lookup'!

.Range("R" & NewRowCounter) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'MCC Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"
.Range("R" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'MCC Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"
.Range("R" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'MCC Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"
.Range("R" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'MCC Lookup'!A2:B65536,2,FALSE)"

.Range("S" & NewRowCounter) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Risk Loc Lookup'!
.Range("S" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Risk Loc Lookup'!
.Range("S" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Risk Loc Lookup'!
.Range("S" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "=VLOOKUP('Premiums
Commissions'!F" & OldRowCounter & ",'Risk Loc Lookup'!

.Range("V" & NewRowCounter) = "=+'Premiums Commissions'!B"
& OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("V" & (NewRowCounter + 1)) = "=+'Premiums
Commissions'!B" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("V" & (NewRowCounter + 2)) = "=+'Premiums
Commissions'!B" & OldRowCounter & ""
.Range("V" & (NewRowCounter + 3)) = "=+'Premiums
Commissions'!B" & OldRowCounter & ""
'=+'Premiums Commissions'!$B$2

NewRowCounter = NewRowCounter + 5
End With

OldRowCounter = OldRowCounter + 1


End With


End Sub

  #12   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
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Yep, i noted your changes. Thanks for those. Any ideas on what i
mentioned before? About having the macro look for a certain column
name, and adjust its understanding of the column location
accordingly. This meaning that the macro would be smart enough (with
a little help from me) to know what kind of numbers to expect in a
column, and what to use them for, instead of just blindly working to
column values that the macro assumes do not change.

I may have columns added, or removed in the source file, anyway around


  #13   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
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There are a few ways of defining and search for columns names.

Method 1
Define a name on the worksheet by going into Insert-Names-Define
You can label cell C1 as Total

then in VBA

column = Range("Total").column

This method is proably the best becuase when you add and delete cells the
define name will change

Method 2
Set c = Rows(1).Find(what:="Total",lookin:=xlvalues)
if not c is nothing then 'this take a while to really understand
mycol = c.column
end if

Method 3
Define constants in you code for diffferent columns

Const TotalCol = "C"

Range(TotalCol & RowCount) = "abc"

" wrote:


Yep, i noted your changes. Thanks for those. Any ideas on what i
mentioned before? About having the macro look for a certain column
name, and adjust its understanding of the column location
accordingly. This meaning that the macro would be smart enough (with
a little help from me) to know what kind of numbers to expect in a
column, and what to use them for, instead of just blindly working to
column values that the macro assumes do not change.

I may have columns added, or removed in the source file, anyway around



  #14   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
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Default Newbie attempting VBA Scripting


I like method 2 the best since it searches for the exact name of the
column and adjusts its stuff from there. I wrote a quick script which
uses your method, but when it finds the column location, it is stored
as a number, instead of a letter. Is there a way to change that
within the function, or will i have to adjust the rest of my previous
macro to work with R1C1 naming?

Here is my test macro:

Sub Test1()

Set Marco = Rows(1).Find(what:="Marco", LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not Marco Is Nothing Then
mycol = Marco.Column

ActiveSheet.Range("B3") = mycol
End If

End Sub

Obviously this just returns the location of "Marco" into column B3, in
my example Marco was in Column I, which returned a 9.
How do i get it to return a column Letter instead? So i can easily use
this with my previous macro, which is based on the "A1" cell naming

Thanks again Joel.

  #15   Report Post  
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If it returned a Letter, then i could use it for something like

With Newsheet

.Range(mycol,OldRowCount) = "w/e"

End With

That is what i am trying to get at.
Thanks again.


  #16   Report Post  
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Sub Test1()

Set Marco = Rows(1).Find(what:="Marco", LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not Marco Is Nothing Then
myaddress = mid(Marco.address,2)
mycol = left(myaddress,instr(myaddress,"$") - 1)
ActiveSheet.Range("B3") = mycol
End If

End Sub

" wrote:


I like method 2 the best since it searches for the exact name of the
column and adjusts its stuff from there. I wrote a quick script which
uses your method, but when it finds the column location, it is stored
as a number, instead of a letter. Is there a way to change that
within the function, or will i have to adjust the rest of my previous
macro to work with R1C1 naming?

Here is my test macro:

Sub Test1()

Set Marco = Rows(1).Find(what:="Marco", LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not Marco Is Nothing Then
mycol = Marco.Column

ActiveSheet.Range("B3") = mycol
End If

End Sub

Obviously this just returns the location of "Marco" into column B3, in
my example Marco was in Column I, which returned a 9.
How do i get it to return a column Letter instead? So i can easily use
this with my previous macro, which is based on the "A1" cell naming

Thanks again Joel.


  #17   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
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No! You have 2 choices. Most people use cells and work with column numbers
instead of letters. CELLS will except eith a letter or number for a column.

1) Range(mycol & OldRowCount)
2) Cells(OldRowCount,mycol) where mycol can either be a number of a column

" wrote:

If it returned a Letter, then i could use it for something like

With Newsheet

.Range(mycol,OldRowCount) = "w/e"

End With

That is what i am trying to get at.
Thanks again.


  #18   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
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Default Newbie attempting VBA Scripting

Ah, but the Range function only accepts Letters. So i could use the
simpler code and change all of my .Range functions to .Cell functions,
since im not actually using them as ranges anyway.

What is best do you think? To work with mycol as a number and use
the .Cell function, or have lots of extra code just to use the .Range

By the way, thanks for your fast response!

  #19   Report Post  
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Note: cells has an S at the end.

I recently switched from using CELLS to using RANGE. I thought for helping
people on Postings that A1 formating was easier to understand and use.

I still use CELLS when I need to move across columns such as

total = 0
for ColCount = 2 to 10
total = total + cells(2,ColCount)
next ColCount

" wrote:

Ah, but the Range function only accepts Letters. So i could use the
simpler code and change all of my .Range functions to .Cell functions,
since im not actually using them as ranges anyway.

What is best do you think? To work with mycol as a number and use
the .Cell function, or have lots of extra code just to use the .Range

By the way, thanks for your fast response!


  #20   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
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Default Newbie attempting VBA Scripting

One more tip. You can have a combination of Range and cells

set newrange = range(range("A1"), cells(5,10))

which is different from
set newrange = range("A1", cells(5,10))

" wrote:

Ah, but the Range function only accepts Letters. So i could use the
simpler code and change all of my .Range functions to .Cell functions,
since im not actually using them as ranges anyway.

What is best do you think? To work with mycol as a number and use
the .Cell function, or have lots of extra code just to use the .Range

By the way, thanks for your fast response!


  #21   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
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Im having some trouble implementing the code. I can't seem to get it
to work with the following code, what am i doing wrong?

Sub VariableColumns()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Worksheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Set NewSheet = ActiveSheet
ActiveSheet.Name = "Adjust Test"

With Worksheets("Premiums Commissions")

Set BU = Rows(1).Find(what:="Affiliate Code",
LookIn:=xlValues) 'Finds the location of the column
If Not BU Is Nothing
Then 'If the value "BU" is
myaddress = Mid(BU.Address, 2)
BUcol = Left(myaddress, InStr(myaddress, "$") -
1) 'sets the location to a variable BUcol
NewSheet.Range("B3") = BUcol
NewSheet.Range("B4") = "1"
End If
NewSheet.Range("B5") = "2"
End With

End Sub

The other worksheet has that text in row1 formatted as either general,
or as text (does it matter?)

So what is wrong with my code?

Thanks Joel.

  #22   Report Post  
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.programming
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Default Newbie attempting VBA Scripting

I think i figured it out. The With function is not enough for the Set
function to use the sheet specified by the With function. I.E., if i
include the line:

Sheets("Premiums Commissions").Select

before the "Set BU = Rows(1)..." then it works like a charm. I guess
it only works on the ActiveSheet?

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