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dolik dolik is offline
Junior Member
Posts: 1
Default Using TODAY() to generate a filename from where values are VLOOKUPed

Hi guys,

I have two columns, A and B. Column A has names. Column B has prices that are VLOOKUPed from a closed file (based on the names in Column A). The problem is that the file from which I am pulling in prices is generated daily.

The filename is file_YYYYMMDD.xls and the file is created anew daily, with its filename reflecting today's date. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could access it? After much research, I've come to the conclusion that INDIRECT and INDIRECT.EXT are not suitable, because I am referencing an external, closed workbook from within a VLOOKUP. Harlan Grove's pull() UDF seems to be built for this, but when I try to write
I get #VALUE! in all my cells.

By the way, the value of MacroSheet!C5 is

The code for pull() function is:
'----- begin VBA -----
Function pull(xref As String) As Variant

Dim xlapp As Object, xlwb As Workbook
Dim b As String, r As Range, C As Range, n As Long

'** begin 2004-05-28 changes **
'** begin 2004-03-25 changes **
n = InStrRev(Len(xref), xref, "\")

If n  0 Then
If Mid(xref, n, 2) = "\[" Then
b = Left(xref, n)
n = InStr(n + 2, xref, "]") - n - 2
If n  0 Then b = b & Mid(xref, Len(b) + 2, n)

n = InStrRev(Len(xref), xref, "!")
If n  0 Then b = Left(xref, n - 1)

End If

'** key 2004-05-28 addition **
If Left(b, 1) = "'" Then b = Mid(b, 2)

On Error Resume Next
If n  0 Then If Dir(b) = "" Then n = 0
On Error GoTo 0

End If

If n = 0 Then
pull = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
'** end 2004-03-25 changes **
'** end 2004-05-28 changes **

pull = Evaluate(xref)

If CStr(pull) = CStr(CVErr(xlErrRef)) Then
On Error GoTo CleanUp   'immediate clean-up at this point

Set xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlwb = xlapp.Workbooks.Add  'needed by .ExecuteExcel4Macro

On Error Resume Next    'now clean-up can wait

n = InStr(InStr(1, xref, "]") + 1, xref, "!")
b = Mid(xref, 1, n)

Set r = xlwb.Sheets(1).Range(Mid(xref, n + 1))

If r Is Nothing Then
pull = xlapp.ExecuteExcel4Macro(xref)

For Each C In r
C.Value = xlapp.ExecuteExcel4Macro(b & C.Address(1, 1, xlR1C1))
Next C

pull = r.Value

End If

If Not xlwb Is Nothing Then xlwb.Close 0
If Not xlapp Is Nothing Then xlapp.Quit
Set xlapp = Nothing

End If

End Function
Thanks so much for any help, guys! If this could be done any other way, please let me know, I am so stuck with this.

Last edited by dolik : June 13th 05 at 07:48 PM