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Mazzaropi Mazzaropi is offline
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Location: Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Posts: 170

Originally Posted by BJ Martens View Post
I use Excel 2003 and I'm trying to swap or flip the rows and columns (or rotate - I've seen it each way in the documentation I've read).

I have this: Columns A B C Rows 1 2 3
I need this: Columns 1 2 3 Rows A B C

I need to have rows A-Z and comuns 1-31. (I don't have any data in the worksheet yet. I'm trying to set it up before entering the data.)

Here's what I've tried:

I selected A1-Z31 and copied it, moved outside the selected cells, clicked Edit/Paste Special/Transpose/Ok

Nothing happens.

I even tried opening a new worksheet, selecting A1 Edit/Paste Special/Transpose/Ok but it didn't paste.

I've read these instructions on many sites and I can't figure out why it's not working!

BJ Martens
Dear BJ Martens, Good Morning.

The procedure that you described above works on changing position of DATA.
If you have one column of DATA, then you may TRANPOSE it to a one row of DATA.

That function, TRANSPOSE, donīt change the LAYOUT of Excel Worksheet.
it works only with DATA.

You Said:
"...I use Excel 2003 and I'm trying to swap or flip the rows and columns (or rotate - I've seen it each way in the documentation I've read)..."

"...I've read these instructions on many sites and I can't figure out why it's not working!..."

Those documentation tells about CHANGING LAYOUT of Excel Worksheet OR Transpose of DATA on Excel Worksheet?

I want help you.
Coulīd you pointing me those documentation?
I hope it can help you.

Best regards,
Marcilio Lobão
Belo Horizonte, Brazil