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Joe User[_2_] Joe User[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 905
Default HOWTO: What is the formula to have evaluate a range of value

"apache007" wrote:
On my cell: I want to caculate If
8 Jun 2010 - Today () is it between 5 and 20.
If so, Formatting applied.

If you want to apply the format when the cell value is between TODAY() plus
5 days and TODAY() plus 20 days inclusive, you only need the one criteria:

Cell Value Is between =TODAY()+5 and =TODAY()+20

Thus, if today is 6 Feb 2010, the format is applied when the cell value is
between 11 Feb 2010 and 26 Feb 2010 inclusive. The format will not be
applied when the cell value is 10 Feb 2010 or less or 27 Feb 2010 or more.

If I have misunderstood your requirement, please provide a precise
description like the paragraph above. That is, if today is dd mmm yyyy
(fill in the date), for what dates (earliest and latest) do you want the
format to be applied?

I am suspicious of my interpretation because your example uses a date that
is so far outside the range (of days).

----- original message -----

"apache007" wrote in message
Hi David,

The thing is that Criteria 2 must be a formula, because I want to evaluate
DATE condition that meet value between 5 and 20.

On my cell: I want to caculate If
8 Jun 2010 - Today () is it between 5 and 20.
If so, Formatting applied.

"David-Melbourne-Austraalia" wrote:

Hi Apache007

If I've understood correctly, you want to highlight cells in A1:A100
are not empty and contain a value between 5 and 20 using Conditional

To achieve this, you only need one criteria - Go into Conditional
and set the following:

Condition 1
Cell Value Is between 5 and 20

and then obviously set the highlighting you want under the Format button.

You don't need to check for non-blank cells as a blank cell simply fails
meet the requirement of being between 5 and 20.

Hope this helps.

"apache007" wrote:

Hi All,

Let say I have data Coloum A1:A100 containes number data
and I want to HIGHLIGHT using Conditional Formatting, those cells that
the following criteria:

1. Is not empty
2. Has a value between 5 and 20.

I don't know the formula for Criteria #2.
