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I think I follow what you are suggesting but I think that to transpose for
every possible value of row/column the macro will quickly become
unmanageable. If you look at that PDF I pointed to earlier you will see there
are some 600+ pins (1000+ pins for another device I am looking at).

That means that in ColumnA of sheet1 there could potentially be 600+ values,
all of which would need to be transposed.

Maybe I dont fully understand what it is you are proposing but to me it
appears that what I am asking for is not practical.

Below is the macro I am using currently, this is what I need to 'bolt' your
transpose macro into. Let me know if you think it is viable and I will
investigate further,



Sub Build_Diagram_Pin_Function()
' Build_Diagram_Pin_Function Macro
' Macro recorded 26/05/2005 by UBV2000

For r = 7 To 1154
mycellPtr = Sheets("Pinlist").Cells(r, 4).Value
mycellSignal = Sheets("Pinlist").Cells(r, 7).Value
mycellColor = Sheets("Pinlist").Cells(r, 7).Interior.ColorIndex
Sheets("Diagram").Range(mycellPtr).Interior.ColorI ndex = mycellColor
Sheets("Diagram").Range(mycellPtr).Value = mycellSignal
Next r
End Sub

"Dave Peterson" wrote:

So AA3 really refers to row 27, column 3? C27??

If yes, you could "transpose" those addresses in your code:

Option Explicit
Sub testme01()

Dim TestAddr As Variant

Dim iCtr As Long

TestAddr = Array("A1", "AA3", "AC2", "B1")

For iCtr = LBound(TestAddr) To UBound(TestAddr)
MsgBox TestAddr(iCtr) & vbLf & myTranspose(TestAddr(iCtr))
Next iCtr
End Sub
Function myTranspose(str As Variant) As String

Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim TestRng As Range

Set wks = Worksheets(1)

Set TestRng = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set TestRng = wks.Range(str)
On Error GoTo 0

If TestRng Is Nothing Then
myTranspose = "Error"
myTranspose = wks.Cells(TestRng.Column, TestRng.Row).Address(0, 0)
End If

End Function

kevinm wrote:

Hi Dave,

sorry I should have explained ..

my macro uses the contents of cells on sheet1 as a pointer to the cells on
sheet2 ..


(sheet1, values in columnA, first four rows)

The macro uses the value (i.e. A1, AA3, etc) as a pointer to the destination
cell for sheet2.

Therefore simply hiding the row and colum header doesn't solve the problem,


"Dave Peterson" wrote:

You could use column A and row 1 as your headers and make them anything you

You could even hide excel's row and column headers:
tools|option|view tab|uncheck row & column headers

kevinm wrote:

I have a macro which fills cells on sheet2 with colors based on cells from
sheet 1. Sheet 2 is supposed to represent the physical pinout of a computer
chip I am designing.

The pinout diagrams published by the manufacturer show the top view of the
chip, the rows, from top to bottom are labled A - AP, the columns are labled
1 - 34. This is the reverse of how rows and columns are displayed in Excel.

I would like to change the labeling of the rows and columns in Excel to
match the pinout diagram printed in manufacturers datasheet, is this possible?

See page 279 of the following PDF file for an example of the pinout diagram
I am trying to represent in my spreadsheet:




Dave Peterson


Dave Peterson