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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Lizndc Lizndc is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 3
Default copy doument names from a file into excel

I miss typed I'm aware that ctrl shift doesn't do anything -- thanks though
I need a portion of the total documents listed
The issue is that I'm not able to copy just the titiles of the documents and
paste them into Excel

"David Biddulph" wrote:

From what type of file are you trying to copy?
What do you expect Control shift to do?
If you want to select all, try Control A.
If you want to select a specific range, select one end of the range, then
Shift select the other end.
If you want to select a non-contiguous range, use Control select on each
part of the range.
Having selected your required range, then Control C
David Biddulph

"Lizndc" wrote in message
I'm trying to copy 171 document names only into an excel spread sheet so
I can then talk about the status of each document I don't seem to be able
copy this information and then paste it into excel
I've tried Ctrl shift ctrl C ctrl V and nothing happens I've tried the
function from the drop down menu but the paste option doesn't appear in
