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Stefi Stefi is offline
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Posts: 2,646
Default Avoiding Duplicates

Sorry for the late answer but I've just now realized that my e-mail
notification doesn't work, I thought there is no answer.
If it's still of interest, here is the answer:

Open VBA (Alt+F11)!
Right click on your worksheet name in the Project explorer window!
Select View code from the popup menu!
Copy/Paste macro code in the code window!


€˛Craig€¯ ezt Ć*rta:

Hi Stefi,

I've never ran an event macro before. How to i go about it?


"Craig" wrote:

If i have a range of cells from A1:A100 and the same drop down list of names
in each of those 100 cells how do i prevent staff from selecting the same
name twice within that range?

For example i want to avoid someone selecting a name in cell A3 and then
selecting the same name further down the spreadsheet at say A70.

Is it also possible to display a message saying that a duplication has been

Thanks in advance