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Gord Dibben Gord Dibben is offline
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Default How do I reduce the file size in excel 2003


Wow! What are the specs of your computer?

Maybe you meant 50MB?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

On Wed, 28 Oct 2009 02:11:01 -0700, BSc Chem Eng Rick


If your hard drive is formated FAT32 then the max file size is approx. 2GB,
if your drive is NTFS then file size is unlimited. I suggest that you don't
let the file get bigger than 500MB though, it starts becoming really arduos
to handle.

To reduce file size, most obvious is to elliminate all unecessary formating
(Italic, bold, borders, cell fill etc.). Also experiment with fonts, you will
notice that different fonts produce different file sizes (but this is only
really important when you have very large databases).

If this helps, please click "Yes"

"Anupam Arya" wrote:

My file szie is 1.3 MB. Up to what size is Ok to allow it to grow. Also I
want to know what are the ways to reduce the size. my file has lot of
database functions.