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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.worksheet.functions
muddan madhu muddan madhu is offline
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Posts: 747
Default IF(AND with date comparison

AND($B90,$D90,$E9="yes",N$8=$C$7,$C$11=N$8,AND (C70,C110))

On Oct 26, 10:32*pm, PSU35 wrote:
I have an =IF(AND( .... formula. *One of the conditions in the AND portion is
to compare a date in one cell(call it sht-1 A1) with the dates in 2 other
cells (call them sht-2, A1 and A2, one being a start date and the other a
finish date). *I am trying to return a "FALSE " if the sht-1 date falls
outside (either before or after) of the dates in sht-2 cells. *

The formula as written is:
=IF(AND($B90,$D90,$E9="yes",N$8='Proposal *Data'!$C$7,'Proposal *

The portion that isn't working is the 4th argument where N8 is compared to
the other dates in C7 and C11. *It is returning a "TRUE" when no dates are
present in C7 & C11 and allowing the remaining calculations to ocurr. *There
is more to the formula but it is just additional IF statements. *Can someone
tell me what i am doing wrong? *By the way, when dates are present in C7 &
C11 the formula works perfectly.