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FlorencePS[_2_] FlorencePS[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 5
Default Excel 2003 - Adding up cells that contain Conditional Formatti

ok, I tried this and pasted:
=SUMPRODUCT(--(TODAY()=H:H),--(TODAY()<=H:H+14),--(G:G="Open")) and it's
giving me a #NUM! error. What am I doing wrong?
Intermediate to Advanced User

"Peo Sjoblom" wrote:

You could use


replace A with H or whatever column you are testing for days since a date



Peo Sjoblom

"FlorencePS" wrote in message
To the three of you who answered, thank you. I failed to give some
info, however, and even wonder if this is now possible.

(I did try the various formulas that each of you supplied, and that is
I discovered my error.)

The #s that I need to count in col. H are only if they're Open docs
in col. G) so I need to weed those #s out from the Closed or N/A docs in

Does that make sense? And is that possible?
Intermediate to Advanced User

"FlorencePS" wrote:

Hi. I've got a spreadsheet that has conditional formatting in one column

1-14 days - green
15-30 days - yellow
over 30 days - red

I need to be able to have each color total up into three different cells,
meaning, 3 green, 10 yellow, 31 red. Is there a formula to do that

Thank you for any assistance.