FREQUENCY with multiple criteria
You need to test the results!
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF((C:C=A5)*(E:E=5)*(F:F=4),D:D) ,D:D),1))
This formula needs to be entered as an array, although you will get a result
if you don't it is very likely incorrect - it will be off by 2 in most cases,
with a large data set you won't notice that, but.... However, if you enter
it as an array in 2003 you it will return a #NUM! error because you are
referencing the entire column. In 2007 that won't happen.
Also, this formula may return a #VALUE! error if the entry in A5 is numeric
and some of the entries in C:C are text.
If this helps, please click the Yes button.
Shane Devenshire
"PCLIVE" wrote:
I'd like to apply some additional criteria to this unique value count.
The array formula works ok without additional criteria. However, I'd also
like to include the rows where cells in E:E equal 5 and F:F equal 4. I've
done a SUMPRODUCT that would determine that without determining the unique
values, but I want to somehow combine the two.
Any ideas.