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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.newusers
greenusmarine53 greenusmarine53 is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 8
Default Helllooo Boyyss! IIImm Baaacckk!

That worked beautifully. You guys make me look GOOD!

But (isnt there always) while it worked as desired, exactly as desired in
fact, that still leaves me clueless (Nothing new).

So, I ask for your patience just a bit longer. Please explain what you did.

What does the dollar sign mean ($)?

C3 describes the first box, but does highlighting all of the ones below tell
Excel the range of boxes? I ask because generally I have to do something like

What do the parentheses €˜( ) at the end do?

And finally, this worked great for an annual requirement. What about a
semi-annual requirement, which is thankfully fixed at Oct-Mar and Apr-Sept?
Rather than tell me straight out, if you could walk me through it, you know,
teach a man to fish and all that. That way I dont keep bothering you with
annoying questions.