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The best way is to create the toolbar with VB and then it is created when
the workbook is open.
I use this technique all the time.
It can be coded in the Workbook_Open event.

'************************************************* *************
' Sample Code for CommandBar Creation
' Include a subroutine in the Workbook_Open event to create
' A custom CommandBar

Sub CreateCommandbarSample()
' This example includes all of the following elements
' Command Buttons
' Dropdown Menus
' Combo Dropdown Box

Const CStCmdBar As String = "Sample Bar"

Call DeleteCommandbar

With Application.CommandBars.Add(CStCmdBar, msoBarFloating, True, True)
.Visible = True
.Position = msoBarTop
.Protection = msoBarNoChangeVisible + msoBarNoCustomize +
With .Controls
With .Add(msoControlButton) ' Command Button with Icon & Caption
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = "Back"
.FaceId = 132
.OnAction = "ShowMain"
.TooltipText = "Back to Main Menu"
End With
With .Add(msoControlComboBox) ' Dropdown Combo Box
.BeginGroup = True
.Style = msoComboNormal
.Caption = "Zoom"
.OnAction = "SetZoom"
.TooltipText = "Set Zoom"
.AddItem ("150%")
.AddItem ("100%")
.AddItem ("80%")
.AddItem ("70%")
.AddItem ("50%")
.ListIndex = 2
End With
With .Add(msoControlButton) ' Command Button with Icon Only
.Style = msoButtonIcon
.Caption = "ShowComments"
.FaceId = 1589
.TooltipText = "Show Help Comments"
.OnAction = "ShowComments"
End With
With .Add(msoControlButton)
.Style = msoButtonIcon
.Caption = "SaveData"
.FaceId = 271
.TooltipText = "Save data to file"
.OnAction = "SaveData"
End With
With .Add(msoControlButton)
.Style = msoButtonIcon
.Caption = "Print"
.FaceId = 4
.OnAction = "PrintActiveSheet"
.TooltipText = "Print sheet"
End With
With .Add(msoControlButton)
.Style = msoButtonIcon
.Caption = "LoadData"
.FaceId = 270
.TooltipText = "Load data from file"
.OnAction = "GetImportFile"
End With
With .Add(msoControlButton)
.BeginGroup = True
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = "Exit"
.FaceId = 29
.TooltipText = "Exit application"
.OnAction = "ExitApp"
End With
With .Add(msoControlPopup) ' Custom Menu
.BeginGroup = True
.Caption = "Setup"
.TooltipText = "Setup Application"
With .Controls
With .Add(msoControlButton) ' Custom Menu Button
.Style = msoButtonCaption
.Caption = "Import Card Data"
.TooltipText = "Update Barclaycard Data"
.OnAction = "ImportBCardData"
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End Sub

Sub DeleteCommandbar()
' Delete custom commandbar

' Prevent error if commandbar does not already exist
On Error Resume Next

End Sub

The OnAction property must be the name of a procedure in the workbook.

Hope this helps

"Hiten" wrote in message

I have one application on Excel with some macros & to run those macros
i added one custome toolbar now problem comes when i want that file to
copy on another machine i have to create custome toolbar to run macros.

I want that toolbar must move with this workbook or file when ever i
copy to any machine any one knows How this happens?
