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Shane Devenshire[_2_] Shane Devenshire[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 3,346
Default Formula with Cell reference to include formating?


Excel does not do that. You could write a vba macro to do it but that is
probably overkill.

You could take a snapshoot (picture) and paste it but that is probably not
what you want.
If this helps, please click the Yes button.

Shane Devenshire

"Bob Arnett" wrote:

I would like it to display the results of a cell formula in the same format
that is in the referenced cell.
For instance (simplified):
Cell A1 is formatted in Bold and Red.
Cell A2 is formatted in Italics and Blue.
The formula in B1 is =Max(a1:a2)
Then B1 would display in Bold and Red if A1 was the higher of the two
numbers but in Italics and Blue if A2 was the higher.
Is there a way to do this?