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David Biddulph[_2_] David Biddulph[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 8,651
Default unknown email addresses

Right-click in one of the offending cells and use Edit Hyperlink to see
what's there. You may have a different destination in the hyperlink from
what you see as the text in the cell.
David Biddulph

"chesjak" wrote in message

I am using Windows XP pro with Office XP 2003 pro

I am using a spreadsheet set up by a company I work for and in aone column
is email addresses. If I click on an address it turns blue and I am
to my email window in Outlook ready for me to send an email. The address
clicked on in excel is automatically put into the send to window in
However, on some of the addresses in the excel spreadsheet the name that
appears in outlook is completely different to the email address that is in
the spreadsheet.

I don't know where the email address has come from because it is not one I
recognise at all and I definitely have not put it on my system.

The I.T. person that designed the spreadsheet says that this is an excel
issue and he has not programmed the system to setup emails so it is an
automated function of excel.

Is this so?
and also where would the email address that appears in the outlook window
have come from? as I siad they have not been put into my system by me and
am the only person that uses the system.

Any help would be appreciated
