Thread: Format of cell
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Shane Devenshire Shane Devenshire is offline
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Posts: 857
Default Format of cell


It sounds like there is a little autoformatting going on. It suggests that
cell C1 may be formatted to text. However, to make sure I would select all
the cells A1:D1 and format them to Number.

If this helps, please click the Yes button.

Shane Devenshire

"GARY" wrote:

Cells A!, B1, C1 and D1 have a "Number" or "General" format:

A1 contains 5
B1 contains 6
C1 contains 2
D1 contains formula =A1+B1 so 11 is displayed.

When I change the formula in D1 to =A1+C1 and press "Enter", the
format of D1 changes to "Text" so "=A1+C1" is displayed.

How can I keep the cell's original format?
