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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Chad Portman Chad Portman is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 36

Luke M you are my hero. I love you so much right now.

"Luke M" wrote:

You are on the right track, you may need to force the formula to multiply the
arrays. (I'm assuming you accidentally left off a parenthesis, as your
formula you posted is not valid)
Best Regards,

Luke M
*Remember to click "yes" if this post helped you!*

"Chad Portman" wrote:

I am using excel 2003 and having issues with this formula. What I need is a
count of how many rows contain both condition one from column A and condition
two from column b. The formula I have right now is:


C1 and C2 are my two conditions. Now sometimes I can easily just auto filter
the data and count it and then manually type it but sometimes it is too large
to do this. The reason I mention this is in one case once filtered there is
only 5 rows that match both conditions but the formula returns 518. So I am
wondering if this is the right formula to find what I am truly looking for
cause it sounds to me that I almost need a couple COUNTIF's with a & in the
middle but I can not get that to work either. Thanks for any help