Thread: Menus
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Ron de Bruin Ron de Bruin is offline
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Default Menus

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Regards Ron de Bruin

"Teddytim1" wrote in message ...
Could you please consider adding more than one Quick Access Tool Bar? I
could limp past the Ribbon into semi functionality by adding commands to
multiple quick accesss bars. I depend on Excel. I've used it since day #1.
I used it 7 - 10 hours a day. Please do something about this issue. The
ribbon process takes forever to negociate and many many times it requires
multiple clicks to do what used to take just one click. When you do this all
day long it's significant. The ability to customize was also critical. Not
being able to customize a ribbon is crazy. You made it a one size fits all
UI and the real world doesn't work like that.

Please don't tell me this was a cost cutting decision. You are beginning to
sound like GM.

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