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Luke M Luke M is offline
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Posts: 2,722
Default Writing a formula with several criteria?

To clarify (your post got distorted).
It looks like row 2 has the number/value of the trip (from 1 to 6)
row 3 has percent completed on that trip?
So, if you do 10% of work on the 2nd trip, it should be 2 * 10% (worth twice
as much as 10% done on 1st trip?)

If the answer is "yes" to all this:

Best Regards,

Luke M
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"Rodney" wrote:

I have a row that I want a total in useing the following lay out.
Trip Trip Trip Trip Trip
Value 1 2 3 4 5
Site Prep (10%) 20% 50% 70% 85% 95% 100%

The value represents the percentage of a job to build a house, for example
Site Preparation. Each time I go out to for a inspection I put a percentage
of that line item that is complete.

I need to multipling the percentage of work completed for each trip by the
value, and have it change the total. I just can't seem to think of how to do