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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Jim Thomlinson Jim Thomlinson is offline
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Posts: 5,939
Default Pivot Table: Cannot group that selection

You have hit on the big reasons why dates sometimes will not group. Check out
this link...

To ensure that you truely have dates try re-formatting the dates to pick out
and dates that are something other than a date. Also ensure that your randge
does not extgend past the date range as that constitues blank cells. finally
if you did have a date that you needed to change from test or such to a date
then you need to refresh the pivot table twice. Long story made short the
table needs to be refreshed twice to recognize the change.

Jim Thomlinson

"Jeff" wrote:

I have a pivot table that will not allow me to group a date field. I have
verified that the dates are valid and that there are no blanks. Anything else
I can do?