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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.worksheet.functions
Pete_UK Pete_UK is offline
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Default HELP PLEASE!!! "Different kinda of function"

The 3 is the column number in the lookup table where the result should
be returned from. It is the third argument - you are confusing this
with the fourth (optional) argument for the function which relates to
exact matches.

Hope this helps.


On Feb 17, 10:17*am, Khoshravan
What is the meaning of 3 in the end of your vlookup function?
I thought it is a logical value and could be either true(or omitted) for
close value or false for a exact look.
I have seen this trend in other MVPs replies where they use something
totally different and still get the right answer from the function. In
another reply Gordon replied: I feel safe which I couldn't understand.
R. Khoshravan
Please click "Yes" if it is helpful.

"Ashish Mathur" wrote:

Suppose the data below is arranged in range C14:E17

0 *39.99 * 65%
40 64.99 * 70.0%
65 99.99 * 75.0%
100 * * * * * * * *80.0%

In cell G8, you can use the following formula =VLOOKUP(F8,$C$14:$E$17,3)*F8


Ashish Mathur
Microsoft Excel MVP

"Steve" wrote in message
Can this be done? Formula for G8
If F8's total is $0-$39.99 than (F8)*65%
If F8's total is $40-$64.99 than (F8)*70%
If F8's total is $65-$99.99 than (F8)*75%
If F8's total is $100+ than (F8)*80%

If I could get this done it would make my life so much easier. Thanks for
all who has taken a look.- Hide quoted text -

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