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MrRJ MrRJ is offline
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Posts: 109
Default Delta Variances by Period

Thanks Don,
Yes, I have thought of that too. I already have macros to hide/unhide
selected data for reporting purposes. Just trying to have other options.
That is why I was thinking of validation rule, meaning that every time you
select a validation, the cells would populate appropriately.


"Don" wrote:

I would create a separate sheet with the different compare / % and then
create a macro to select the compare you want and hide all others? This
assumes you would not want to disturbe the original sheet with all the

good luck

"MrRJ" wrote:

I need your assistance. I have several columns, Period 1 through Period 13.
Every Period has specific data. I would like to create an analysis piece in
which I would like to see the delta change from say, Period 01 & Period 02
and the percentages change. I was thinking of using the Validation table so
the user can select what 2 Periods they want to see the anaylsis. It is from
there that I cannot think of a way to do...the If statement I was thinking
would exceed the max of 7. Any ideas?