Thread: Drop Down Menu
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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.worksheet.functions
Shane Devenshire[_2_] Shane Devenshire[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 3,346
Default Drop Down Menu


An additional comment: it's generally best to put the list into a set of
cells and then reference those cells from the Source box. If that list is on
a different sheet, then you need to name the list and then enter the name in
the Source box, for example =myList

What is this generally better? Because it is easy to maintain, just go to
the range and correct spelling errors, insert cells for additional choices,
delete cells to remove choices. If for example, and not the situation you
are talking about, you use the list from more than one cell, you have
multiple drop downs, then you only need to edit one list, which is not
necessarily the case with entries made manually into the Source box.
If this helps, please click the Yes button

Shane Devenshire

"Workbook" wrote:

In cell A2 I want to put a drop down menu/box. In other words I want to be
able to click on a downward arrow in cell A2 and then have the ability to
select from five different options such as I-Phone, Desktop Computer, Laptop
Computer, Touch Screen Monitor, and Wireless Internet Connection.

If I select any one of these options, (such as Touch Screen Monitor) that
selection will appear in cell A2. I guess, I am wondering, is it possible to
create a drop down menu in a single cell and if so can you tell me how?