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David Biddulph[_2_] David Biddulph[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 8,651
Default Preserving "trailing" zeros from csv file

Which version of Excel behaves that way, Fred?

In Excel 2003, if you have one cell with 123 formatted as a number with 3
decimal places to show 123.000, and another cell with the text value
123.000, when it is saved as a csv they both show as 123.000 in the csv
file. I'm interested to know version you have if it behaves differently.
David Biddulph

Fred Smith wrote:
The only way to preserve zeros after the decimal point is to convert
the number to text before saving the CSV.


"hgarrison" wrote in message
Thanks. When I save the file as .csv, close the file, and reopen it,
still drops the trailing zeros. I'm hoping there is some setting or
that I can change to prevent Excel from doing this.

"David Biddulph" wrote:

Import the file as text.
Data/ Import External Data (or rename the .csv as .txt and open),
and specify the columns as Text.
David Biddulph

hgarrison wrote:
When opeing a csv file in Excel, Excel drops any zero-value decimal
points. E.g. 12500.00 becomes 12500

When I open the file in Word, the zero-value decimal points are
there. I can't find where I can change Excel's settings to prevent this
from happening.

Any ideas?