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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Mike H Mike H is offline
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Posts: 11,501
Default conditional formula with date


From your original post I thought you understood how to enter it for
multiple cells.

If the cells are in column A select the range of cells and then
Format|Conditional Format
Formula is
enter the formula
pick a colour

You will then find excel has been smart enough to increment A1 to the
appropriate address for each cell you had selected. If it's a column other
than A then change the A to the appropriate column. If the range started in
D6 for example you would select D6 down and change A1 to D6 and enter the


"Loc" wrote:

The formula you wrote is for one cell. If I want to apply this formula to
whole column, should I replace A1 with A1:A5000? Thank you for the help.


"Mike H" wrote:


For closer than 30 try

and for overdue


"Loc" wrote:

I have a delivery date column with mmm-yy format. How can I write a
conditional formula so that the date turns yellow when it's due in 30 days
and turns red when it's over due? Please help!