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David Biddulph[_2_] David Biddulph[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 8,651
Default Formula to compare numbers in 3 columns 3/23/08

First problem, in your original question you were talking about 3 columns,
but in your example here you're talking about 3 rows.

Second question, in A1 you have 06. Is this a text entry, or is it a number
formatted as 00?

Third problem is that you started two separate threads, so the answers are
split. In the other thread I suggested
=IF(OR(A1<--LEFT(B1,2),A1<--LEFT(C1,2)),"Doesn't Equal",""), but if A1 may
not be a 2 digit number but may be text, then change it to
=IF(OR(--A1<--LEFT(B1,2),--A1<--LEFT(C1,2)),"Doesn't Equal","")
If you now want to work in rows instead of columns, change the B1 and C1 and
A2 and A3 respectively.

Fourth problem, in another branch of the thread you added yet another new
requirement and started talking about cases where you *don't* have entries
in the cells, in which case try changing my formula to
David Biddulph

"Marie FP" wrote in message

A1 = 06
A2 = 0608NPR1
A3 = 06W500

The first two numbers in each column must equal. I would like a formula to
tell me when they don't. A1 will always be a 2-digit number, A2 and A3
have 7 and 5 digits, respectively. Does this help?

"Tyro" wrote:

Please give an example. Your question is simple to answer but could be
interpreted in different ways.


"Marie FP" wrote in message
I have three columns each with different numbers. Column A has only two
numbers, Column B has 7, and Column C has 5. I need to know when the
in Column A and the first two numbers in both Columns B and C do not
I created the formula =IF(OR(A1<LEFT(B1,2),LEFT(C1,2)),"Doesn't
but am getting the "#VALUE!" error message. Any ideas on how to fix