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Dave Peterson Dave Peterson is offline
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Posts: 35,218
Default Replace All makes me look for a file!

Just a guess...

If you close your workbook with macros disabled, does it work ok?

Maybe you have a misbehaving _change event that's firing for each change.

tina wrote:

OOPS - the screen pops up and says "UPDATE DATA:INPUT" Not Unique data:input"

"tina" wrote:

I'm at my wits end here!! (insert me eating chocolate and drinking coffee)

I'm doing a simple find/replace. If I hit the 'replace' button so that it
replaces one cell at a time, I'm ok. HOWEVER, if I do a REPLACE ALL, a
screen (pops up that looks like the screen when you want to open or save a
file) and it's titled "unique value: input."

It won't let me cancel out of it or 'x' out of it (it keeps popping back
up), so I've tried choosing the file I'm working on, creating a new name for
the file, choosing a different file, but it just keeps going in circles and I
end up back at the original 'unique value: input" screen - the only way I can
get out is if I cont/alt/delete and shut down (and lose all my work :-(

I know its not what I'm trying to 'find' and 'replace' because it did work
once this morning already - however, there were like 58,000 replacements, so
I'm hoping I don't have to do this cell by cell!! ACK!

Help! :-)



Dave Peterson