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KJ KJ is offline
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Posts: 43
Default Pivot table help

I have a pivot table that for simplicity's sake uses rows 1-10. I want to be
able to do spreadsheet functions, formulas, in the rows below (say row 12-15)
the pivtot table making calculations extracted from various values in the
pivot table. But as my Data source for the pivot grows, and my pivot table
grows, it wants to add rows of pivot table on top of my added rows. Confused?

ei: my pivot table grows to 15 rows. Now it would put that on top of my
added rows. I want my added rows to be kept 2 rows below my pivot table
automatically. Whether I filter my pivot to be 3 rows or 30 I would always
want my added rows to be 2 rows beneath it.
Am I missing an easy function without VBA?