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Dave Peterson Dave Peterson is offline
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Default Changing worksheet name within a formula (automatically)

I think you meant this note for Joel and Bernard. They both caught the missing
leading apostrophe.

But I bet that they're both glad you got it working.

dave wrote:

It works brilliant thank you very much for your help extremely useful.

Thanks again


"Dave Peterson" wrote:

Your formula worked fine for me.

Are you sure you have the names of the sheets correct (maybe a trailing
space--or multiple internal spaces)???

If you're sure you have it right, what does not working mean?

dave wrote:

Hello please help,

I have a summary worksheet with a formula taking data from another
worksheet. Simply ='worksheet'!G34. At certain times of year I have to change
the worksheet name to equal the current period in all of the cells in the
summary sheet. I have worksheets called "promotional detail LE01 2007" all
the way through to LE12.
I have in the summary sheet as a header LE01 which changes by a cover sheet.

Is there a way I can have the formula so it changes the worksheet name to
correspond with the header.

E.G cell A1 = LE01 cell A2 = 2007
formula ='Promotional Detail LE09 2007'!G34

Is there a way so that the end of the worksheet name can equal cell a1 and a1.
I have tried the following but it is not working please help.

=INDIRECT("Promotional Detail "&A1&" "&A2&"'!G34")

Many thanks in advance


Dave Peterson


Dave Peterson