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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.charting
al al is offline
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Posts: 363
Default Changing values of x-axis to include greek letters

Will that show, on the x-axis the value "pi/2" (with the Greek letter) or

"John Mansfield" wrote:

Excel has a built-in function called "PI". As an example for creating your
X-axis, try entering "=PI()" into cell A1.

In cell A3 enter "=A1/2".
In cell A4 enter "=A1".
In cell A5 enter "=3*A1"

And so on. The values in cells A3, A4, A5, etc. can now be used as your X

John Mansfield

"Al" wrote:

I'm trying to graph the function sin(x) in radians and I want my x-axis to
list the standard "pi/2; pi; 3pi/2; and 2 pi" but I can't figure out how to
do it (short of copying the graph into a paint file, using Microsoft Equation
3.0 to create the equations and replace each value with what I want.