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Dave Peterson Dave Peterson is offline
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Default Excell programming

(Just to disagree with Jerry, <vbg)

Maybe you can use this kind of layout.

In the input sheet (destination tabs), you could use something like:

Column Use
A Part Number
B Qty
C Standard Price (from the lookup table)
D Manual override price
E Extended price
A calculation like:

Alternatively, you could approach it this way:
On the price sheet:
Column Use
A Part number
B Override indicator (say an X to use the manual price)
C Standard Price
D Manual override price

Then to retrieve the price:
=vlookup(a2,prices!a:d,if(vlookup(a2,prices!A:b,2, false)="x",4,3),0)

I would think that you would want to keep most users out of the Prices tab. It
would scare me letting lots of people make changes to that sheet. Too much of a
chance that the part numbers and standard price could change when they're adding
the X and the override price.

I'd use the first technique and add a warning cell:
=if(d2="","","Warning: Manual Pricing in Effect!"
in big bold letters in column F.
Just to make it easier to see.

Muddled wrote:

In My excel I have multiple tabs in one workbook. On the destination tabs, In
the $$ column a price is sourced from the master sheet tab. Sometimes I want
to substitute a different price than the one computed. Can I make a new cell
on the master sheet overide the destination cell on the secondary tabbed
sheets to show a non computed total without disrupting the existing links
between master & Destination sheets?


Dave Peterson