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Neville Neville is offline
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Posts: 7
Default Calculating number of hours and minutes

Thank you very much, Sandy! Works like a charm!

"Sandy Mann" wrote:

If the date and time are in the same cell then simply suntract the two cells
and custom format as [h]:nn

If the dates and times are in different cells then with tahe dates in Column
A and the times in Columns B use:


Custom Formatted as above.

In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings


"Neville" wrote in message
Please can someone tell me how to calculate the number of hours and
between two times, where the two times span more than 24 hours?

For example, if the starting date/time is 24 Dec 13:00 and the ending time
is 27 Dec 13:30, then the number of hours and minutes lapsed is 72 hours