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Dave Peterson
Posts: n/a

Thank you for the correction, ma'am.

Debra Dalgleish wrote:

Dave missed a parenthesis in his example. It should be:

=a1+7 & char(10) & " this is some event text"

Or, if you want to format the date, and include some text, you could use:

=TEXT(A1+7,"dd-mmm-yyyy")&CHAR(10)&" this is some event text"

After you enter the formula, select the cell
Choose FormatCells
Select the Alignment tab
Add a check mark to Wrap Text, click OK

blueboy wrote:
I didn't quite get how to do what you are saying -or- it doesn't work. Any

"Dave Peterson" wrote:

You can kind of have formula and text in the same cell:

=a1+7 & char(10 & " this is some event text"

(char(10) is the alt-enter character in a formula.)

blueboy wrote:

Recently, while trying to create a calendar in Excel (I realize that there
are better ways), I was using a formula to get the calendar to display the
date. I would type in the first few dates (at least 7) and then I typed
=([Cell#] + 7) from there I would copy and paste that, and it would work for
the rest of the month. However, I realized my error when I actually tried to
insert text, such as events and things to do, in the same cells. What I
would like is for Excel to allow cells to have both formulas and text as well
in the same cell. That way, I could have my date and eat it too (forgive the
play on words). This would allow so many other possibilities, and would be
so useful in other ways to other people that I think that you must enable
Excel to do so.

If you cannot do that, are there any other suggestions?


Dave Peterson

Debra Dalgleish
Excel FAQ, Tips & Book List


Dave Peterson