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Caribbrz Caribbrz is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 12
Default Average less MIN formula help needed

Thanks! That is exactly what I was looking for!
Thanks so much!

"JMB" wrote:

You could try:

but it assumes there are no blank cells in A1:A4, otherwise it will average
the top 2 scores instead of the top 3 scores.

I think that could be fixed using:

array entered using Ctrl+Shift+Enter

"Caribbrz" wrote:

Thanks! This does work, however, not the formula I am looking for. I am
looking to use the SUM, MIN, and COUNT functions to get my answer.

"JE McGimpsey" wrote:

One way:


In article ,
Caribbrz wrote:

Can someone please help me? I am doing a grade book and have 4 test scores
say in A1, A2, A3, and A4. I want to get the average score but dropping the
lowest test score first and giving equal weight to the remaining 3 test
scores. Can someone help me with this, please?
