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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.worksheet.functions
Peo Sjoblom Peo Sjoblom is offline
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Posts: 3,268
Default matching month and year column.


=INDEX('Satchmo Storage'!B16:S16,MATCH(MONTH('Dashboard
Week'!B32)&YEAR('Dashboard Week'!B32),MONTH('Satchmo
Storage'!B6:S6)&YEAR('Satchmo Storage'!B6:S6),0))


=INDEX('Satchmo Storage'!B16:S16,MATCH(1,('Satchmo
Storage'!B6:S6=DATE(YEAR('Dashboard Week'!B32),MONTH('Dashboard
Week'!B32),1))*('Satchmo Storage'!B6:S6<=DATE(YEAR('Dashboard
Week'!B32),MONTH('Dashboard Week'!B32)+1,0)),0))

both entered with ctrl shift & enter


Peo Sjoblom

earls wrote:
The result of =istext(b6) is False. The actual date is 12/6/06, I've also
seen 8/1/06 for Aug-06. I'm trying to match a particular end of week day like
8-Dec-06 from one tab to Dec-06 of another tab. They are in excel date
format, not text.
I tried to use lookup() with text(b30,"mmm-yy") from another post, but that
did not work.
I also tried:
=INDEX('Satchmo Storage'!$B16:S16,MATCH('Dashboard Week'!C$32,'Satchmo
This returned #NA. I still do not have the correct match for only mmm-yy
from the search day date.


"Peo Sjoblom" wrote:

I think you would need to give more info, Excel cannot use numeric
month-year dates so either it is a real date (select a cell and see what it
says in the formula bar) or text. You could use a combination of INDEX and
MATCH to solve this, if the values in B6:S6 are text you could use a HLOOKUP
as well.
First, use this formula


if we assume that all values in B6:S6 are alike then that formula should
return TRUE if the values are text.
If it returns FALSE check what the dates really are, if you are using US
regional settings and type in Dec-06
you'll probably get the date of 12/06/06 so check those dates first and post



Peo Sjoblom

Excel 95 - Excel 2007
Northwest Excel Solutions
(Remove ^^ from email)

"earls" wrote in message
I need to use something like the below formula to match cell content from
the date column of one tab (B30 = 8-Dec-06), to the date column of another
tab (Dec-06). Notice one contains the day, the other only contains
Obviously the below does not work. Is there something that will?


=LOOKUP(month(B30),month('Satchmo Storage'!$B$6:S$6),'Satchmo