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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.worksheet.functions
Eamon Eamon is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 23
Default Can you help please

Thanks Niek

"Niek Otten" wrote in message
Someone set Data validation on your cell.
To clear: Data|Validation|Clear all

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

"Eamon" wrote in message
| Bob,
| When I enter =D16+E16 in cell F16 and press enter a popup is coming up
| that is the right term) which says
| Microsoft Excel
| (White X on Red background)
| Must be whole number
| Retry Cancel
| Eamon
| "Bob Phillips" wrote in message
| ...
| What do you get?
| Is it just not showing the decimal places.
| --
| Bob Phillips
| (replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)
| "Eamon" wrote in message
| ...
| Hi,
| Can you help please
| In D16 I have a number 1.40 format as number 2 decimal places.
| In E16 I have a number 3 format as number 0 decimal places.
| In F16 I enter =D16+E16 but I get "Must be whole number"
| Why is it not calculating?
| Thanks Eamon