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Looks interesting. I'm not sure it will give me the detail I'm looking for,
but it is definitely worth trying, thanks Ken.

On another note, I suspect I can achieve some of the results I was looking
for by eliminating some of the axes (I'll just calculate the possible choices
on the data field first), and using OFFSET to redfine the ranges for time
period (i.e. IF("Quarterly",OFFSET(A1:Z1,x),IF("Monthly",OFFSET (A1:Z1,y)...

Thanks for all the help. If someone has an epiphany, I'd love to know the


"Ken Wright" wrote:

Cornelius, from the sound of it you appear to be doing the kind of analysis
that pivot tables were designed for. Have you looked at using those for
your data at all?

Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :-)

"Cornelius" wrote in message

Hi all. I've been developing a sheet that measures numerous aspects of my
business and allows any set of parameters to be displayed at a single

For instance, one could look at sales to New York on a weekly basis in

through a particular channel or customer, then switch these parameters

validated cells to Chicago quarterly 2004 all business.

I've created all the sets of vlookups for a SUMPRODUCT to look at, each
corresponding to a large data grid that has the appropriate categories
(dollars or pounds, weeks, years, customer category, region, etc.). Here

the formula:

=SUMPRODUCT(($C22=Data!$M$5:$FN$5)*($O$82=Data!$J$ 7:$J$865)*($A22=Data!$E$7:
$E$865)*($B22=Data!$F$7:$F$865)*($E$78:$Q$78=Data! $K$7:$K$865)*($N$116:$Z$11
6=Data!$M$4:$FN$4)*(NOT($D$132:$AD$132=Data!$B$7:$ B$865))*(NOT($F$52:$H$52=D
ata!$D$7:$D$865))*(NOT($C$88:$H$88=Data!$C$7:$C$86 5))*Data!$M$7:$FN$865)

where Data!M7:FN865 is the data grid. The NOT functions eliminate certain
areas that shouldn't be calculated (i.e. looking at New York you ignore
Chicago, LA and Miami, but looking at all business you ignore nothing).

This formula returns N/A. If I reduce the ranges to be used or ignored
(make $C$88:$H$88 just $C$88) I get a value. How do I overcome this? I

used ranges like this in the past succesfully, but never so many.