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JLatham JLatham is offline
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Default Beginners Question

Excel isn't going to automatically do it for you. At least not without
getting a little more advanced than we really need to. Search Excel's Help
Fill data in worksheet cells
and choose the topic in the list that appears that has that title, and then
choose the item on the page that appears labeled "Fill formulas into adjacent
cells" and it will show you how to fill the formulas down the sheet as far as
you care to go. As they are set up now, they will show the last calculated
balance down the sheet and as you make entries in column B, the balance will
update on down through the sheet.

If you want to get "fancy" you can change the first formula in cell D2 to
this before filling it on down the sheet:
and then the balances down the sheet will show zero on the unused rows (rows
without a numeric value entered into column B).

Hope that helps some.

"Black_op51" wrote:

JLatham (removethis) wrote:
In C3 put

You can now fill down the sheet from C3 and from D2 and the formulas will
automatically update and show the values as you make entries into the cells
in column B.

ok, i get that but how do i make it so when i "arrow down" row, excel automatically inputs the previous "D" column in the next "C"column?

Say I click on "C10". The previous "D9" which is 0 will be inputed into
"C10". How do i get excel to do that for me?