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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.worksheet.functions
JLatham JLatham is offline
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Default Nexted if()s are limited to Seven What other functions can I u

I'm not even certain that he needs anything but a good lookup table to use
VLOOKUP() or HLOOKUP() with. The only odd one in the group is the last one
and that could probably be handled via ISNA() within the lookup formula

"Teethless mama" wrote:

Try to use the VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH functions

"Dan" wrote:

I am attempting to created an ad calendar with the names of the media
placements. The formula's purpose is to chart the expense of the ads by
calendar day in a grid that sums the cost by month. Probem I have is that on
some days I may have more that one magazine I am placing an ad in. This
nested if fuction identifies what media placment is being done for the day
and then looks up the pricing for that media. But I am limited to only 7
nest. What other function could I use? Or does this have to build in VBA?

=IF(B2="SB Top Banner",Pricing!$B$3,IF(B2="SB Buzz",Pricing!$B$2,IF(B2="MC
ND Fax",Pricing!$D$2, IF(B2="SB NewPE",Pricing!$B$4,IF(B2="Direct
Mail",Pricing!$M$2,IF(B2="*"&"PR"&"*",Pricing!$O$4 ,0))))))