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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.worksheet.functions
Jason Jason is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 367
Default Conditional Average

Thank you I tried it and I got the same result as my orginal formula. When I
run just a staight average of the first weeks numbers I get 6:26 when I put
yours and my formula in I get 6:13. I am at a lose. Jay

"Bob Phillips" wrote:

Looks fine, but maybe try this variation

=AVERAGE(IF((Sheet1!A$2:A$5310=Sheet2!A2)*(Sheet1 !B$2:B$5310<=Sheet2!B2),Sh


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

"Jason" wrote in message
I am trying to average time for multiple entries over a year. I have about
10,000 records with the date and a total time. On my next sheet I have the
start date and end date for each week of that year columns A&B

The formula below returns a result but it is wrong. I ran an average for

first week to conform it and it is off by more than 20 seconds. Can anyone
show me what I did wrong. Thank you

{=AVERAGE(IF(Sheet1!A$2:A$5310=Sheet2!A2,IF(Sheet 1!B$2:B$5310<=Sheet2!B2,Sh