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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
bpeltzer bpeltzer is offline
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Posts: 180
Default Replacing an ERROR message with "NA"

You could augment your existing formula with a test for a 0 denominator. For
instance, if you've got =(a1/b1), you could make that =if(b1=0,"NA",a1/b1).
Then you've got a formula that will update automatically along with a means
to replace the #DIV/0 error.

"COL" wrote:

I have created a table and some of the cells display the message "#DIV/0"
which I expected would happen, yet I want to automate the document so that
all error messages are replaced by the text message "NA". It's a large
document and it would take a very long time to change each cell manually so I
was hoping someone could help me. I also update it often, therefore I need to
keep the formula in the cell and if I type NA in the cell the formula will be

Does anybody know how to fix this?