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Thanks.. I'm actually very new in Excel programming.. i'm just a college
student who just began learning Excel.. so your reply originally didn't help
much.. instructions weren't that clear..

basically what i did was copy from

Function DateFrom(StartDate, _
Days, _
Optional Holidays, _
Optional IncSat As Boolean = False, _
Optional IncSun As Boolean = False)
' Function: Calculate the date that is 'Days' number of working
' days beyond 'StartDate'
' Synopsis: Recursive routine that adds the number of days passed
' in and the start date to get an end date.
' Calculates the number of Saturdays, Sundays, and
' holidays between these dates, and if not 0, calls
' itself for next iteration. When zero, exits with the
' latest end date
Dim cDays As Long, cDays2WE As Long
Dim StartDateWe As Date, EndDate As Date, EndDateWE As Date


'check if valid arguments
If (Not IsDate(StartDate)) Then
GoTo DF_errValue_exit
ElseIf (Not IsNumeric(Days)) Then
GoTo DF_errValue_exit
ElseIf Days < 1 Or IsEmpty(Days) Then
GoTo DF_errValue_exit
ElseIf (Not IsMissing(Holidays)) Then
If (TypeName(Holidays) < "Range" And _
TypeName(Holidays) < "String()" And _
TypeName(Holidays) < "Variant()") Then
GoTo DF_errValue_exit
End If
End If

#If fDebug Then
Debug.Print StartDate & ", " & _
Days & ", " & _
IncSat & ", " & _
#End If

'if start is sat and sun not included, move past
If Weekday(StartDate, vbSunday) = vbSaturday And Not IncSun Then
If Not fReEntry Then
Days = Days + 1
End If
End If
EndDate = StartDate + Days

'add any holidays between start and (current) end dates
If Not (IsMissing(Holidays)) Then
'use startdate + 1 as start will already accounted
cDays = NumHolidays(StartDate + 1, EndDate, Holidays, IncSat,
End If

'add extra days to cover saturdays
'determine the saturday after end date
cDays2WE = IIf(Weekday(StartDate, vbSunday) = vbSaturday, 6, 7)
EndDateWE = EndDate + (cDays2WE - Weekday(EndDate, vbSunday))
If (Not IncSat) Then
cDays = cDays + ((EndDateWE - StartDate) \ 7)
End If

'reduce by appropriate no of sundays
'determine the sunday after end date
cDays2WE = IIf(Weekday(StartDate, vbSunday) = vbSunday, 6, 7)
EndDateWE = EndDate + (cDays2WE - Weekday(EndDate, vbSunday))
If (Not IncSun) Then
cDays = cDays + ((EndDateWE - StartDate) \ 7)
End If

'allow for ending on sat or sun
' If (Weekday(EndDate, vbSunday) = vbSaturday And Not IncSat) Then
' cDays = cDays + IIf(IncSun, 1, 2)
' ElseIf (Weekday(EndDate, vbSunday) = vbSunday And Not IncSun) Then
' cDays = cDays + 1
' End If

If (cDays 0) Then
fReEntry = True
EndDate = DateFrom(StartDate:=EndDate, _
Days:=cDays, _
Holidays:=Holidays, _
IncSat:=IncSat, _
End If

DateFrom = EndDate

fReEntry = False

Exit Function

DateFrom = CVErr(xlErrValue)

End Function

Function NumHolidays(ByVal StartDate, _
ByVal EndDate, _
ByVal Holidays, _
ByVal IncSat As Boolean, _
ByVal IncSun As Boolean)
Dim cHolidays As Long
Dim cell

For Each cell In Holidays
' If (IsNumeric(cell.Value)) Then
If (CDate(cell.Value) = StartDate And CDate(cell.Value) <=
EndDate) Then
cHolidays = cHolidays + 1
If (Weekday(CDate(cell), vbSunday) = vbSaturday) Then
If Not IncSat Then
cHolidays = cHolidays - 1
End If
ElseIf (Weekday(CDate(cell), vbSunday) = vbSunday) Then
If Not IncSun Then
cHolidays = cHolidays - 1
End If
End If
End If
' End If
Next cell

NumHolidays = cHolidays

End Function

and pasted it into a new module in in VB

is this formula (=datefrom()) usable in my pc from now on, or is it only
applicable to this workbook?

thanks for the help! you certainly helped solve a big problem on my part!

BTW, your formula's duration doesn't include the start date! what i did was
minus 1 off the duration!